Gite photography

More people go to France on holiday than to any other country.

The various regions of France attract 70 million visitors a year, 10 million more people than France’s own population.

Most prospective clients make their holiday choice on the internet, and many will use one of the  rental listing sites such as Chez Nous, Holiday France Direct or Gites-de-France. With so many potential destinations listed (Gites-de-France lists 60,000 properties on its own!) your property must stand out if you are to be successful.

When customers search on a particular area, they are faced with lists of thumbnail photographs so first impressions count,

Your photography can make or break your potential customers decisions. No matter how good your offering actually is, poor visual presentation can take you off their short list.

Photographs below are from Peyrenegre Gites, Grand Pailley Bas, Chateau Grand Pierre, La Busaneth, Riverside Studio and La Grande Maison, all in the Lot-et-Garonne